How do you Create the life you Want?

by | Nov 5, 2023

Last weekend I jumped out of a plane with my two boys.  This is the second time I’ve done this, the first was when my kids were both under 2.  I remember that day like it was yesterday, there was a family who was jumping with their teenage kids, I thought WOW I can’t wait to do that.  I’m a planner I have lists and goals for everything I do.  This was something I have had on my bucket list for 16 years and I can finally tick it off.

Setting goals are important they enable you to decide and focus on what’s really important to you. Effective goal setting also lets you measure progress, overcome procrastination and visualize your dreams. If you don’t know what you want to accomplish, you can’t create a plan to get there. Setting goals is the vehicle that will drive you to your desired destination.

I work with my clients to set their goals and then work out how to get there.  These goals range from buying a house, going on amazing holidays, jumping out of planes and retiring.

Once you have identified your goals and we have worked out how you are going to achieve them, the conversations move towards your purpose.  The last few years have been a roll-a-coaster ride for everyone, which has made the discussions with my client even more important. They are less about “what I want” and more about “why”. Why am I working so hard, do I love what I do? What is important to me, my family the world?  How can I help others?

So how do you work out your purpose? For me it is all about what makes you happy, what do you enjoy doing and what are you good at that helps others.  What is interesting is if you understand your purpose your goals are clearer and easier to achieve.  Your purpose gives you meaning to your goals.

Finding your purpose enables you to go deeper than your goals and helps you to work towards your legacy, what you want to leave behind.

The final piece to the puzzle is your legacy. Your legacy should be deeply considered, it takes on immortality and is how we live on after death.  Working on your legacy gives you a richer life, guides you.

Overall your legacy will help make your goals clearer, confirm your purpose, encourage you to develop and maximise your talent, strengths and skills, ensure you do what is important now and brings out your best self to your family, friend and at work.

Can you imagine having a plan that you are working towards that encompasses your goals, purpose and legacy?

Written by Katie McDonald



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